List of interviewees

Please note that the views, opinions, ages and positions of the interviewees are given here as they were at the time the interviews were conducted.

Some anglicised place names have also changed over recent years, reverting back to their native forms. Examples are Bombay officially changing to Mumbai, and Bangalore reverting to Bengaluru in 2014. You may find these city’s names used inter-changeably in the text and in the recordings.

1) Aishwarya, the older of two sisters, a 19-year-old student in Bengaluru at the time of the interview.

2) Apeksha, the younger of two sisters in the same family. She was a 17-year-old student at Bishop Cotton Girls’ School in Bengaluru.

3) Mr Babu Lal Sharma, Gandhi Peace Foundation.

4) Colonel John Ellis, Principal of Bishop Cottons Boys’ School, Bengaluru.

5) Father Dr Matthew Singampalli, Principal of Christ Nagar Secondary School, Trivandrum, Kerala.

6) Mrs Hema Nadkarni in Goa – a lady with extensive experience of India who has also travelled widely abroad.

7) Ilke Bruhn, a 16-year-old schoolgirl in Bengaluru, on an international exchange scheme from Germany.

8) Lady who attended a Bollywood conference in Mumbai.

9) Mr Kamal Tamuli, leader of an art chawl, Kalakar Trust, in the suburbs of Delhi. This chawl (a communal building in a slum area) housed, educated and trained a community of artists.

10) Mrs Leela Chandrasekhar, a very knowledgeable 80-year-old lady with broad experience of working in villages, especially to improve the lives of women.

11) Nikhil Ravichandar, 17-year-old student and captain of Bishop Cotton Boys’ School.

12) Rahul at the Bengaluru Club, 16-year-old student.

13) Shashank Abraham, 18-year-old student at Christ University in Bengaluru.

14) Mr Vivek Chandrasekhar, son of Mrs Leela Chandrasekhar.

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